Antisocial WordPress Theme
A personal blog / business card premium WordPress theme from WooThemes, the Antisocial theme is designed to create a social profile site which aggregates all your online profiles and activities in the one space.
- vCard and hCard facilities for accessible contact details
- 3 completely widgetized zones with 5 custom widgets including a neat re-usable social profiles widget and dedicated zone
- A neat AJAX calendar widget that is beautifully styled
- A unique comment form with a JQuery plugin that grabs your Gravatar without a page refresh
- Localized and includes a .po file for easy translations to be made of the theme
- 10 amazing colour schemes to choose from
- Integrated Theme Options (for WordPress) to tweak the layout, colour scheme etc. for the theme
- Threaded Comments for WordPress 2.7+
- Custom Page Templates for Archives, & Sitemap
- Built-in Gravatar Support for Comments
Single Use: $70
Developer: $150
Demo & Release Page | Purchase
I’ve recently used this for a personal blog. I’ve never had any experience with WordPress but found this theme extremely easy to use. I love the social profiles sidebar which help aggregate all my other online identities.